I fell behind on reading my Substacks, but this one was such a delight to finally dip into! Dylan Thomas's shed door--wow! And wasn't the Sydney Smith Orange Beak the best?? Thank you for all you share!

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Aw thankyou so much Elayne! And yes Sydney Smith is awesomely inspiring!

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This was such a lovely and funny gallop through your life! AND beautiful drawings!

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Aw thankyou Anna, I’m glad you enjoyed it! 🥰

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Ah, thank you so much Jane for the Measuring Me mention. And for another lovely newsletter all round! X

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That's my pleasure Nicola - it's a wonderful book, beautiful to look at and SO interesting! Glad you enjoyed the newsletter X

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So much to love about this newsletter, Jane! I especially adored the whole "unicorn/acorn" comic. 😂

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It was such a funny day - they asked for ‘acorns’ for weeks after that! 😂😂😂🦄🦄🦄

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Those caves probably encouraged my love for eerie stories

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You have a stronger stomach than me - unlike that other vicar! 😂😂

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Fantastic Jane! What a jam packed edition- Love your pigeons 🧡

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Thankyou Sam! Glad you enjoyed the pigeons! 🥰

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You always achieve so much in a month Jane! The story about the acorn really made me chuckle! Sydney Smith’s talk was wonderful wasn’t it? I put cornflour on my shopping list immediately too! Your frog book looks so good, it’s so sweet that you have frog club badges!

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Hope you have better results with your paste paper than I did Nanette 😂 Glad you enjoyed reading… I bought my badge maker many years ago and it was a GREAT investment!

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The kid in the cowboy hat who likes dinosaurs makes my heart dance every time! I bet you'll come around to paper paste someday. Oh and those frog badges are beautiful. What a cool club to be in!

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I know - he’s gone to big school now and I really miss him and his random quirky comments! I’ll post you a frog club badge with your zines 💚🐸💚🐸😂🐸

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Oh, thank you! I'll send you some bonus badges too! 🐢

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Such a fresh and pleasant read - I really admire the variety in your schedule! Your multimedia approach to illustration allows all the adventure to shine.

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Thankyou so much, I’m really glad you enjoyed it! 🥰

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Given how often my family visit West Wycombe, hopefully we'll get to see your illustrations along the trail!

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Oh I hope they enjoy it! It should be available to pick up round about April 😊

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So many wonderful things to read about Jane, and lots of inspiration! Love it! I will check out your hourly comics for sure! Is that over on instagram? X

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Oh! And of course, happy publication day!! 🥳

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Thankyou! 🐸💚💚💚🐸🐸🐸

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Aw thanks Ella! My hourly comics drawings tend to stay in my diary but you never know!

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I missed the Sydney Smith talk but I love his quote you mentioned. I see you had a busy but creative January and good luck with today's Hourly Comic Day. And happy Paperback Publication Day to you and your frogs!

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Thankyou Momoko - and happy paperback publication day to you and your blue umbrella! ☔️☔️☔️

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