Jane, such a lovely quilt and job well done! As a beginner quilter myself, I completely understand it's no small feat. It definitely comes with a learning curve. But oh-so satisfying. As for the built-in pockets you included, how about tucking a mini zine inside them, describing the history and story behind each section of the quilt and about the talented artist (you) who created it. Now, if you ever decide to donate it, or pass it on to a loved one or to a friend, it will be a wonderful treasure for the receiver to find, giving more meaning to the quilt. And include the date of course. Everything I've ever sewn as gifts and have given, I didn't include an artist's label or date. I really wish I would have! I just hadn't found fabric labels I liked. Procrastination! Something to think about. 🥰

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Oh Maggie, that’s a BRILLIANT idea to make a zine to put in the pockets! I’m going to do just that, I love the suggestion. I did remember to embroider 2024 into the quilt so the date is on there, but how nice to add all the stories too 🥰🥰

Hope to see your quilts one day! X

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Jane, I’m glad you like the idea. You’re so great at making zines and it just seemed to be a good fit. I know whenever I see an older quilt I love, I always wonder the history that went into making them. Some I’ve read about are so fascinating.

I really need to get working on mine again. They are very traditional quilts at this point, but one day I’d like to make one like you have, that tells a story. I need to practice a lot before I do that. I have a love for fabric and have collected quite a bit. I think I’ve made a hobby of it! 😂

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Aw thankyou Maggie, it will be fun to make a quilt zine! I think making a freeform quilt is probably easier than making a traditional one - you don't need to worry so much about measuring (and that approach is why I am bad at violin-making...). My number 1 tip is when you are joining two strips draw a straight line with a ruler and a coloured pencil on the back where the stitching is going to go. I know what you mean about fabric collecting - it's irresistible!

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Thank you for the tip Jane! That’s good to remember. Haha! I’m amazed at the whole idea of you learning to play the violin and make one. That’s incredible!! And yes collecting is irresistible. ☺️

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Ah, always a joy to read what you've been up to/creating! I love how your quilt turned out! And the pockets!! You could stash some lavender sachets in there (if you could be sure to take them out easily when you need to wash, etc.) So fun to consider all the possibilities!

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Ooh I love the lavender sachet idea: I'm going to do that! Thnkyou as always for your lovely encouragement Elayne!

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I would say the same to you! Thank you for the inspiration you provide!

Also, I meant to say: HAPPY BIRTHDAY! :) (If belated.)

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Loved this Jane! The quilt is beautiful. I’ve never been to Berwick but you make me want to! Do you have a connection to the area?

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Aw thankyou Tor! I could definitely get hooked on quilting… I’ve got no family connection to Berwick but have fallen in love with the place ❤️

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I love your quilt, and the built in pockets are perfect for storing snacks if you're planning on using the quilt while awake!

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A little packet of peanuts in there would be just the job if I wake up hungry! 🥰

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Love Berwick, and what a gorgeous quilt!

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Oh my word that quilt is outstanding!!!

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Thankyou so much! 🥰

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So gorgeous, that quilt, Jane - and lovely to see how it relates to your lovely new environment too! I'd keep a pencil and notebook for the dreams it might inspire in the night... oh and and a mini torch too just to see what you're doing.

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Now that’s a very good idea for my quilt pockets! 🥰

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Sep 1·edited Sep 1Liked by Jane Porter

Oh, what a lively, beautiful post! You have a way of stringing together art tidbits and resources and inspiration. 🤩 I don’t have ideas for the pockets, but the fact they exist feels magical and I’m curious what you’ll end up putting there!

Your comics class looks intriguing!! It won’t work for me this fall, but I’m excited for those who can participate. 😊

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Thankyou for your lovely comments Erika! Comics class will be running again next year so if you’d ever like to join, you’d be most welcome! ❤️

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Thank you!!

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The quilt is AMAZING! I love that the pink and white edges were inspired by the local sweet. And it's good to know that bunion chat is soothing for cats (or at least for your cat).

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Thankyou Momoko, it was fun to make! And you should definitely try bunion chat on Clementine some time 😊

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I'm so incredibly excited to start the comics class!

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Can’t wait to meet you Tara! 🥰

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Such a lovely newsletter as always! Your quilt looks amazing, it’s a huge achievement to get to the end of a big quilting project. I love that you have pyjama bottoms on the back! Maybe the pockets could hold secret midnight snacks!

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Thankyou Nanette - and I love the midnight feast idea! A rich tea in one pocket and a digestive in the other 😂

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