My current publisher likes to rename 'quiet' books as 'thoughtful' books. They definitely see a place for these books in the lives of today's busy little people. My kids loved 'thoughtful' books when they were little and still remember these titles. Not everyone needs or likes bright crazy in your face books! I didn't.

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That is very encouraging to hear. I've got an absolute drawerful of stories that I was rather pleased with when I wrote them, but all of them fell at the 'too quiet' hurdle. I'm very glad you've found a publisher who recognises their value - let's hope that's the beginning of a quiet, powerful picture book wave!

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Your (lovely , btw) travel mat = a mackintosh square, a la A Room With a View, when Lucy Honeychurch, Charlotte Bartlett and Eleanor Lavish go picnicking in the Italian countryside. "Observe my foresight: I never venture out without my mackintosh squares for at any time one may need to sit on damp ground or cold marble."

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That’s EXACTLY what is is - what a wonderful quote, I had no idea… what a pedigree my mat has! Thankyou for sharing, Bec! Xx

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Lovely Jane. I’m also a maker and lover of quiet picture books (mine are wordless so literally as well as metaphorically quiet!) so lovely to hear them mentioned here.

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Thankyou Lyndsay! And hooray for quiet books - I love a wordless one, it gives you so much to talk about. When there are words, sometimes it's too easy to let your eye go straight to the text and skim the pictures...

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Oct 1Liked by Jane Porter

There is no finer way to start a quiet autumnal morning, than to sip tea and read about the inspiring and interesting things you've been getting up to, Jane. Imagine my joy then, on seeing The Colour of the Sky mentioned here! Thank you so much for sharing my book with your nursery children - and also for sharing that excellent reminder about simplicity. I will be bearing this in mind as I plan my book events ;-)

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Thankyou Layn, it’s lovely to think of you enjoying the newsletter with a cup of tea. And it’s absolutely my pleasure to share The Colour of the Sky, it deserves to be shared far and wide! Let’s hear it for quiet books and their creators ❤️

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What a beautiful selection of creative exploits to lead you into autumn! I need to hear your tune! : ) x

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Thankyou Fiona!! One day I’ll be brave and play it to you 🎻🎻🎻xx

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Bumforter is a perfect name! I love reading about all the exciting things you do each month Jane! It’s quite addictive following the violin making, perhaps because it’s so precise and you share the tiny details like the smell of the steam. Also, hooray for quiet books!

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Bad day on the rib steaming today - they keep cracking! 😭 Glad you like the Bumforter - my husband is very chuffed that the name has gone down so well!

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Oct 2Liked by Jane Porter

Bumforter, no question! Cx

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That is such a charming mat! Waaaay back when I was a girl in Girl Scouts, we used to make something somewhat similar called a "sit-upon"--though I also think bumforter is a genius name. Maybe a play on that, and a welcome mat, could work, as well. Well-bum mat?

I used to get the UK magazine The Simple Things, and they always had such tempting foraging-based recipes. Your tincture looks like it was lovely!

Love that you composed a song--and what a treat to have someone transcribe it and record it for posterity. You can now add "songwriter" to your always-growing creative resume!

And what a looker that paintbrush plant bloom is! (And I giggled at how the leaves reminded you of Mick Jagger's tongue. Do tell, Jane! 👀 LOL!)

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Oh I do like 'sit-upon' - it's bringing back memories of My great-aunt saying 'sit-upon' when she meant bottom as bottom was too rude to say! Well-bum mat is brilliant and works on so many levels...

And I don't have any intimate knowledge of Mick Jagger's tongue, hope you won't be too disappointed to hear - but it does remind me of the Rolling Stones logo!

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Well, as juicy as first-hand Mick Jagger gossip would be, I'm glad for you: he doesn't seem to be the ideal long-term* mate, does he? LOL!

* here meaning for longer than a week

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Oct 1Liked by Jane Porter

With the uni-quilts would a play on bum bags to bum pads be a pun to far? 😁

Tempting to try that syrup, I always have the rose hips at home... now for the rest 😁

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I actually rather like uni-quilts - has a hint of Unique (though what would Uniqlo say?!?). Do make some syrup, you can really feel it boosting your vitamins!

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Oct 2Liked by Jane Porter

I was thinking more in line with singular, I probably should have said uno-quilts but was thining uni like unicycle. Uniquil or unoquil might work and be easier to say, hmmm ...Uniqlo uniq-lo uni-qlo?

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Or the after-dark version, uni-glow 😂

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I like your thoughts on "quiet" books. Like our bodies need balanced diet, our souls need all sorts of books! And "Bumforter" gets my vote. x

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They do indeed - hoping for a resurgence in the quiet book market ❤️ And thanks for voting for Bumforter, my husband will be delighted as that was his suggestion! Xx

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Thank you for sharing these snippets from your eclectic and wonderful artists life Jane !

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🥰Thankyou for reading my ramblings Heather!

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I'm always inspired by your doings, Jane xx Thanks for the interesting links and ideas. The universe seems to be telling me constantly to keep it simple and here it is again! Hope you've enjoyed digging out the big jumpers!

Thoughts on naming the one person travel mat...

Botty Barrier (although sounds a bit like a nappy cream?), Cheek Chic, The Arty Arse!

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Ha ha those brand names are PURE GENIUS! Better get my production line going right away... and YES to big jumpers, always... XX

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Oct 1Liked by Jane Porter

Thankyou for the Wild Hygge review and mention ☺️ and you've featured my allotment shed in your sketchbook! I love it. I've been avoiding my sketchbook too and I've just signed up to do an inktober-inspired challenge, following along with Angela who draws under the name Raspberry Theif, to draw 'pocket hitchhikers' form nature. I love seeing people's drawing tools, and the mat looks great, I should make one with my oilskin remnants!

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My pleasure Jo - and how funny that I drew your shed! Maybe one day I could come in with you for a closer look? I love those allotments so much. Good luck with your Inktober challenge - I like the 'pocket hitchhikers' idea. See you soon - I'll be in Scotland for your next Wild Hygge but hope to make the one after XX

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Oct 1Liked by Jane Porter

Absolutely, you'd be so welcome to come and see the inside ☺️ they're beautiful aren't they. See you soon! X

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ooh good thankyou!!

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Hooray for Bumforters!! XX

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